
Femme or Faux is on a mission for Mary, Queen of Heaven, the New Eve! This ministry proclaims that each lady is a daughter (and heir!) of God. It seeks to mentor and equip ladies with truth that will guide them in life. Through talks, books, and media, ladies are invited to embrace the crown, that comes with authentic femininity, and reject the curse.
Jennessa Terraccino is a passionate servant of Jesus, a dynamic speaker, and the author of "The Princess Guide: Faith Lessons from Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty" (Servant Books), and "Road Signs for Catholic Teens" (Our Sunday Visitor). Jennessa earned a MA in Theological Studies from the Christendom Gradate School. She also holds a certificate in Youth Ministry (accredited by Franciscan University). Jennessa spent a number of years serving as a Coordinator of Youth Ministry in the Arlington Diocese. She has made appearances on EWTN, CatholicTV, radio, podcasts, online conferences, and has been featured in National Catholic Register (see Media tab above). Currently, she resides in New England with her husband and children.

The Princess Guide uses fairy tales—specifically the stories of three princesses (Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty)—to inspire young women to dignity, femininity, and fervent faith. With a timeless yet relevant voice, it explores issues important to women today. Scenes from the fairy tales are the backdrop for a new way to look at beauty, vocation, sexuality and chastity, modesty in fashion, and friendship. Personal stories and passages from Scripture, the wisdom of the saints, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church help you discover the princess within.
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Road Signs for Catholic Teens offers new drivers tips on how to make the local roadway a path to God. Not unlike stain glass windows, icons, or saintly statues, road signs have the potential to express the faith. You've got the keys to the car, but how about the Kingdom? God still speaks, and he has something to say to you! Highlights include Faith and Science (Deer Crossing), Dating (Single Lanes End, Merge), and Christian Charity (Yield). It's time to become a road pilgrim!
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*For details, hover over (or click) image

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... who is the fairest of them all? A talk that speaks to the desire on each woman's heart to to be beautiful. More specifically, this talk looks at how to approach beauty authentically, shares where beauty is really found, and gives tips on how ladies can truly manifest it. The topic of modesty is also included.

What are you afraid of? Everyone has fears. This talk addresses what we are afraid of, the effects of fear, why we struggle with it, and how to resolve it. Is Jesus asleep in your boat? Do you trust him?

A true friend is a "treasure" (Sirach 6:14)...What unites persons in friendship? In this talk, both the practical aspects and the "secret" of finding lasting friends are shared. Discerning tips on the type of friendships you have are given, and advice is offered on friendships that seemed to have turned sour. The heart of this talk is to unite and invite ladies into a deeper friendship with Christ.

Do you hunger for a bite? A talk on all the “bad apples” or temptations young women have in their lives. How does the Enemy try to make bad apples look like good ones? What sins and vices are women attracted to? And finally, thoughts are shared on how to break free and make God’s commandments and teachings the true apple of the eye” (Proverbs 7:2).

In sickness and in health...A talk on how all young women are brides by the nature of their Christian baptism, but also how the feminine heart has a desire written within to take a permanent vow as a bride in religious life or marriage. How are both vocations similar? How does one prepare to be a bride? The topic of chastity is also discussed.

Come awake, Come awake! A talk on living your faith with zeal, reverence, and in a spirit of evangelization. Jesus is our Savior, be excited about it! This talk includes tips on prayer, how to be a witness to the world, and how to get more out of Mass.

In other words, "seasons of fulfillment." A talk that looks to what Natural Law, Theology of the Body, Scripture, and Holy Mother Church reveal to us about our vocation as women, and how to be faithful to femininity in all seasons. Do women need to approach life differently than men? How are women to prepare for each season? How are women called to walk and weather these seasons? The topic of contraception is included.
Presenting the "Be" Series
This seven talk series offered by Jennessa invites young women to understand what it means to “be” a woman in the eyes of Christ. Jennessa engages audiences through a dynamic approach (stories, props, audience involvement, dramatization, a hint of fairy tales, and a deep love for Theology). Talks are best suited for high school and college students, and even mom and daugher events. Pick 2 or 3 topics for a retreat, just one talk for an event, or even run the entire series, offering one talk a month.
*Please hover over each image for talk details OR download pdf sheet above*
